Stronger Relationships through the Softness of Vulnerability

How do you feel about being vulnerable?

I'm assuming you'd answer something like, "No thank you, Sona!"  

We have learned so much in life about the need to be strong, resilient, assertive, unwavering.......why would we want to subject ourselves to being hurt if we're left unprotected?  Of course, the answer varies depending on the situation in which you find yourself.  For instance, you don't want to be vulnerable if you're walking to your car in the dark, or if you're just meeting someone and you don't have a sense of them yet.  

However, in relationships, especially your most important ones, vulnerability is key

How does being vulnerable help strengthen relationships?  

Being vulnerable may make us feel exposed or like someone may see us as faulty or "less than."  But, it actually is what will bring someone closer to you and will strengthen your connection with that person.

First of all, you would want to truly understand what vulnerability means.  You can consider it something along the lines of being yourself without any hiding or "putting on" a front.  You can consider it being honest and authentic.  You can consider it a readiness to be seen and know for who you truly are.

Now, some of these ideas may cause you to say something like, "No thank you, Sona!"   Of course.  It's what we've learned.  It's how we may feel exposed or like someone may see us as faulty or "less than."  But, it actually is what will bring someone closer to you and will strengthen your connection with that person.

I wanted to share an article I ran across which really spoke to this. (credit to Lisa Firestone, Contributor to Huffpost)

Click through on the link below to read it in full and see the 5 actions for how to allow this for yourself.  

How Embracing Vulnerability Strengthens Our Relationships

For those of you who want a quick glance at the 5 actions, they are:

1.    Ask for what you need. 

2.    Be willing to expose your feelings. 

3.    Say what you want. 

4.    Express what you really think.

5.    Slow down and be present. 


Save it, print it, revisit it, share the it with those you love.  We always need reminders to come back to ourselves and to our relationships.  Life and stressors can tug us away, but remembering these 5 actions can bring you back.

Let me know what you think.  I'm always happy to hear how you're doing.

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