Being vulnerable is how we may feel exposed or like someone may see us as faulty or "less than." But, it actually is what will bring someone closer to you and will strengthen your connection with that person.
The Insidious Nature of Shame and Finding Your Way Out (Part 3)
The Insidious Nature of Shame and Finding Your Way Out (Part 2)
The Insidious Nature of Shame and Finding Your Way Out (Part 1)
Your Voice - Embracing Your True Self
Surrender, Surrender, But Don’t Give Yourself Away*
Bananagrams and Allowing Change in Your Life
Do you live in a world of Abundance or Deprivation?
Slow It Down
Finding Balance? Or Going with the Flow?
The Care and Feeding of YOU
As you're learning to take care of yourself and move away from unhealthy behaviors, there can be a strange experienceof "now what?" When you've been used to soothing yourself in whatever problematic ways you have chosen (eating, restricting, shopping, caretaking, etc), leaving those behaviors can leave you feeling like you don't quite know yourself or know what to do with yourself.